Wall Murals: Transform Your Wall Into Art

Wall Murals: Transform Your Wall Into Art

If the task of painting murals to transform bare walls into walls of art seems monstrous and intimidating, don’t fret – all you need are some insightful tips and the right image to paint.

A wall mural is an excellent answer to your question of how to decorate a bare wall in your house that is too large for fixtures to successfully populate, without appearing like a mosaic. Murals (meaning wall paintings) are generally used for display as art and, hence, an aesthetic choice, more or less.

Wall murals can be applied almost anywhere – as long as there is a wall eager to see colors. You can even apply a mural for a new baby’s room. Do-it-yourself mural wall stencils for the nursery are available in many arts and crafts stores depicting a wide array of subjects that will certainly delight or serve an educational function for your little angel. A wall mural stencil can be obtained in many arts and crafts stores.

However, if you think murals are better left to artists, it is better to think again. Many ready-made do-it-yourself designs are just waiting for the application. Neither these designs necessitate a special art training nor they require you to be a Van Gogh.

You are in luck because here are some tips to get that project going and see the transformation on your wall.

Tip 1: Prepare Your Site

Like any other painting project; you need to clear the site to work on by pulling out drop cloths and masking tapes. Move any furniture from within the area or cover them with paper or drop cloths to avoid dripping paint on them. Wrap woodworks with a wide-masking tape or pre-gummed paper, and cover the floor as well.

If you do not apply fresh paint for the base coat, just ensure that the surface is thoroughly clean to maximize paint adhesion. Special products formulated to clean walls offer the best results.

Tip 2: Prime The Surface

Most people usually apply fresh paint coating prior to hand painting wall murals. If this should be the case, latex paint with eggshell or satin finish is recommended to achieve an excellent sheen and make sure to pick a color that will enhance your mural.

Likewise, you could try other effects like applying a gallon of glaze or use other household items like a sea sponge to paint a cloud background. There are plenty of options to have as your background.

Tip 3: Choosing The Mural Paint

While professional advice would say oil-based paints are the paint for wall murals, these are only suited for seasoned muralists. However, for ordinary homeowners who simply want to have something different to look at, it is best to stay with latex paint as base coating. Acrylic paints are also good choices since they are water-soluble and available in smaller cans.

 Tip 4: Pick The Right Brush

It might not surprise you that paint brushes come in varying sizes and shapes, so choosing can be puzzling. The brushes can be made from animal hair or synthetic materials. Acrylic paint is best used with a synthetic brush due to its quick-drying property that destroys animal-hair brush.

In wall murals, you will need more than one type of paint brush to complete your project. To start off, purchase a wide, flat paintbrush able to fill large surfaces faster and a rounded paintbrush to stroke details.

Tip 5: Finishing Touches

Protecting your mural should be of the utmost concern. After all, you spent hours, or days, or weeks on that project. To “seal” your mural, apply a water-based varnish beginning at the corner while doing crosshatched strokes to evenly spread the varnish.

So if you have the spare time and plenty of bare walls in your house, fill them with colors by painting wall murals.

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